Journey Series

Journey Series

Monday, August 14, 2017

Inspirational Photo Scene


Hope all had an amazing couple of weeks. Sorry, for not posting last week. My mind was fogged up and I forgot. This week I hope to make up for it with this amazing photo and scene.

Have a great week and remember: Let your imagination soar when you read.

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Note This is an unedited scene
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Those eyes. I knew them. Intimately. But it couldn’t be. There was no way. Yet . . . I knew Travis sat in front of me. How? That I did not know. Travis had left for Japan two days ago. He had not been anywhere near when the house blew up.

“Is it you?”

The white feathered head bobbed up and down, sending my stomach into a bigger turmoil than it had already been.


She didn’t really expect an answer. Why would I? I was talking to a damn owl. Thought the owl was Travis.

“I’m losing my fucking mind.”

“Miss,” A hand came to rest on her shoulder. “You okay?”

I nodded, not really believing my own words.

“Do you see those bright blue eyes?”

“I do.” Officer Kent, a long time friend of Travis; and mine. “Do you know who that is?”

“No.” Lie. I did, but wasn’t going to mention it. No way did I need Kent thinking I lost my mind.

“I believe you do.” Kent leaned forward. “I called him about the explosion. He came right back.”

“You what? He what? What are you going on about?”

“I’ll let Travis explain later.” Kent patted my shoulder and went back over to the group of officers gathered around her ruble of a house.

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