Journey Series

Journey Series

Monday, March 31, 2014

What does the word Occult mean?

Tomorrow is the first day of the A to Z April Blogging Challenge. I’ve chosen a theme of Occult. Today’s post is merely my way of welcoming the upcoming challenge of posting an entire month of nothing but words that relate to the topic Occult. Best way to start it off is by defining it.

The Merriam-Webster College Dictionary defines it as:
1)    To shut off from view or exposure
2)    Not reveal, (secret), not easily apprehend or understand (abstruse, mysterious), hidden from (concealed), not manifest, or detectable by clinical methods alone and not present in macroscopic amounts
3)    Matters regarded as involving the actions or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them

That’s the professional definition. Now here’s my own interpretation of the word Occult.

It simply means something not understood by the majority of people. Most of the areas that fall into this category refers to the thing people conceive as mythical, magical or not able to be seen by most. To me this is why people who can tend to shut that part of their lives off from others, and find it easier to be around others who can relate or believe as they do.

For the entire month of April (minus Sundays) there will be a post about a word related to the Occult. These words are coming from a book titled, The New Encyclopedia of the Occult  by John Michael Greer. Hope all enjoys the upcoming month and learns at least one interesting fact about the Occult from these posts. Should be neat to see what 26 Occult related words I can come up with.

Come back tomorrow and see what word beginning with “A” that I’ve chosen. I'm so excited about participating in this challenge and really have enjoyed getting things ready for it.

Have a wonderful day.
Let Imagination Soar
Write and Read With Creativity
Julia Matthews

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Celebration Time

Hey guys,

Journey To A Mate was first published a year ago today. So, I thought as a sort of publishing-day for it I'd reduce all four books of the series.

Journey To A Mate
Anything For A Mate
Claiming My Mate
Journey Revealed

are now $3.99. If you find it at a site that it is still listed higher, keep watching for the reductions. Sometimes the changes I submit takes a few days to show up. I promise though they are being reduced.

If you've read them, and now anyone who would love them, pass along the new. If you've not read them, then now is a perfect time to get them at a reduced rate.

Keep your imagination open wide while you read and enjoy every moment of it.

Julia Matthews

Monday, March 24, 2014

Out of nowhere ideas

Inspiration comes in many different ways. Can be a sight, sound, or even a smell. Worst thing about that is when they hit and you have no way to jot them down.

Most creative people carry paper with them in hopes of avoiding this. Still, there are times, like when driving, that you can’t stop, pull out that piece of paper and write it down. So what happened then?

Is the idea lost? Not always. Sometimes it may be partially lost. Sometimes it gives it time to grow. Then there’s the times it changes. No matter what the case, ideas come and go. Some are fruitful some useless. Still no idea or creative spell is a waste of time. Explore each inspirational moment to the fullest before you decided to toss it completely. Never now, later on it may become your biggest and brightest idea. Then you can truly say, it came out of the blue and I originally thought it useless.

Hope all has an amazing week. Don't forget that I'm participating in the A to Z April Blogging challenge. It will be here before I know it.

Have a great week,

Let Imagination Soar
Write and Read With Creativity
Julia Matthews

Friday, March 21, 2014

Announcement of A to Z April Blogging Challenge Theme

A to Z Challenge Theme
Announcement of A to Z April Blogging Challenge Theme.

I wanted to stick to something related to the genre I write it. Wide open filled in my mind, but I did find one topic that peeked my interest. The OCCULT.

If there’s any of my followers out there that would like to still sing up for the A to Z Blogging challenge there’s still time. Just visit the following website to get all the information:

Hope all have a great weekend.
Let Imagination Soar
Write and Read With Creativity
Julia Matthews