Journey Series

Journey Series

Monday, August 24, 2015

Phrase/Image Flash Fiction Scene

What is the first thing you think of when you hear the phrase, Rest In Peace? If you are like most your mind jumps to death. But is that all the phrase means? I’m not sure, let’s see what my mind conjures up when I use this phrase as my Weekly Phrase Flash Fiction Scene.

Hope you enjoy. Have a great week and remember,

Let your imagination soar when you read or write.

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The day after my dad’s funeral and my best friend had just told me to go and rest in peace. How morbid is that. Good thing I knew my best friend as well as I did. Lacy was the type of person who spoke without a filter. Half of the time it caused her to say stupid shit instead of what she truly meant. Like right then, Lacy had been meaning to tell me to go get some rest, but what came out was ‘Rest in peace’.

“Oh, shit!” Lacy’s hands flew over her face. “I’m so sorry. That’s not what I meant.

And there was her famous backtracking, raised eyebrow, red tinted cheeks, and huge bulging baby blue eyes that contrasted with her half purple dyed hair. Okay, Lacy was more than a bit eccentric, but she was better than a loyal cockaspaniel. She’d pulled me through the last year of my dad’s battle with cancer and through every minute since he lost the fight.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean . . .”

“Lacy, it’s cool. I knew what you meant.”

The entire incident was kind of comical. I mean it had to be right. My best friend, who fouled up almost everything she said in tension filled situation, had really just made my day a bit lighter and didn’t even know it.

“Why are you smiling?”


“Uh . . . I’m lost. I know I’m kind of a spasz most of the time, but . . .”

“Lacy, you are perfect when someone needs their spirit lifted.”

“There you go again,” Lacy tilted her head and gave her famous dubious smile.

“You don’t even know that you are the best medicine anyone can have.”

“Hmm . . . Does that mean I’ll be rich?” Lacy tugged me into a hug. “Not sure what I said or did, but I’ll do more if you’ll tell me.”

“Why’s that?”

“I’ve missed your vibracious and full of life smile.”

“Guess it’s been missing for the last year or so.”

“Yeah, but with some much due and well deserved rest in . . . I mean peaceful rest you’ll back to yourself soon as the morning sun hits your wonderful face.”

“Good, then I’ll just be going to get my Rest In Peace.” I laughed and headed towards my car.

“You do that, and I’ll go hook up with a hottie that has a friend for you tomorrow night.”

Wasn’t so sure about hitting clubs with hot men, but one thing was sure, a more peaceful life was headed my way.

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